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Three Weeks, Three Kids Full Movie - Parte 1


1)  What does Sean do?

  • He's a motorcycle racer.
  • He studies design at college.
  • He's a student at Alice's school.
  • He works at his uncle's garage.

2)  Why didn't Jennifer's sister and her husband go on honeymoon when they got married?

  • They never wanted to.
  • They couldn't afford it.
  • They couldn't take time off work.
  • They don't like to travel.

3)  Alice's parents always say that her Aunt Jenny...

  • will never grow old.
  • will never grow tall.
  • will never grow out.
  • will never grow up.

4)  True or false? Alice's mom is happy for Alice to spend time with Sean.

  • True
  • False

5)  Aunt Jenny says Sean is "crazy hot," what does she mean?

  • He looks warm and sweaty.
  • He's very intelligent.
  • He drives his bike too fast.
  • He's very attractive.

6)  What does Jennifer have to bring her sister before her sister goes away?

  • some flowers
  • some clothes
  • some books
  • some medicine