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Piggeldy and Frederick Silence


1)  In Ferederick's opinion, what is the opposite of silence?

  • rustling.
  • foliage.
  • noise.
  • loud.

2)  Where did Piggeldy and Frederick sit down to listen?

  • In the leaves.
  • Lost in thought.
  • On the shore.
  • In the tree.

3)  When Frederick says, "keep your beak shut," what does he mean by "beak," in human terms?

  • mouth
  • quietly
  • whisper
  • wings

4)  What did Piggeldy realize at the end of the video?

  • That birds made too much noise.
  • That bellowing was a good thing.
  • That he had to shout.
  • That he had to be quiet to hear the silence.

5)  What did Piggeldy ask his big brother about?

  • Birds
  • Noise
  • Nonsense
  • Silence