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How to Wing Surf with Robby Naish Light Wind Foiling


1)  What happens when you pump the wing above your head?

  • you signal for help
  • you create lift
  • you move forwards
  • you sink the board

2)  When you do get up onto the foils, it's time to...

  • violently pump the wing above your head.
  • calm down and let the wind do the work.

3)  How is windspeed measured at sea?

  • in fathoms
  • in bells
  • in leagues
  • in knots

4)  Which is a phrasal verb meaning to rise into the air?

  • "to fall off"
  • "to peel off"
  • "to take off"
  • "to make off"

5)  In light winds, what will a heavier rider need?

  • a smaller board and wing
  • a larger front wing or foil

6)  Do wing-foilers always use foot straps?

  • Yes, they always use foot straps.
  • No, they can also ride strapless.