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America's National Parks Olympic - Parte 1


1)  True or false? Stellar sea lions are vegetarian.

  • True
  • False

2)  Fill in the blank: "A half-ton sea lion is no _____ for a ten-ton killer whale."

  • match
  • meat
  • meal
  • mate

3)  A group of killer whales or orcas, is known as a...

  • school.
  • shoal.
  • pack.
  • pod.

4)  Which environment is not mentioned as being part of the park?

  • rugged mountain wilderness
  • freshwater swamp
  • remote coastline
  • dense rainforest

5)  Which is faster?

  • an adult sea lion
  • a killer whale

6)  Are orcas a kind of fish?

  • Yes, they are cold-blooded.
  • No, they are warm-blooded.